To assist our bureaus with everyday security matters SMC has a dedicated customer service team available to assist.

Our customer service team is made up of staff all with 10+ years of monitoring centre experience. The level of knowledge and understanding of SMC’s processes and monitoring systems held by this team, allow them to provide helpful guidance and solutions to our Bureaus to assist with their client accounts.

The teams primary focus is listed below.

  • Alarm response investigation
  • Patrol enquires
  • Specialised alarm response requests
  • AutoNotify implementation
  • Reporting queries, requests and setup
  • MASWeb enquiries, queries and setup
  • Events to screen management
  • Voice tape investigations

By having our team assist our Bureaus with these sometimes labor intensive admin tasks it helps them to save valuable time while being able to focus instead on their core security business.

The customer service team are available Monday – Friday 0800-1600 and can be reached on 1300 102 632 or via email at au_smc.customerservice@smc-monitoring.com outside of these hours calls will divert to our friendly monitoring centre staff.